Daftar Harga Menu Delivery Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan, Yogyakarta Terbaru 2025

Diperbarui pada 24 Januari 2025 oleh Tim Menu Kuliner

Daftar Harga Menu Delivery Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan, Yogyakarta Terbaru 2025

Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan merupakan sebuah tempat makan yang berada di Yogyakarta. Rumah makan ini menyajikan berbagai menu jajanan yang dibanderol dengan harga yang murah dan bersahabat dengan kantong Anda. Jika Anda mencari daftar harga menu Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan, Anda berada di tempat yang tepat. Di bawah ini akan dibahas secara lengkap menu apa saja yang dijual oleh Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan beserta harganya.

Daftar Menu Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan, Yogyakarta 2025

  1. Rekomendasi
  2. Menu Small
  3. Menu Medium
  4. Menu Large
  5. Cilok Goreng Tuna

Tidak mahal, hanya butuh merogoh kocek sekitar Rp 5.000 - Rp 15.000 untuk menikmati menu Rekomendasi di Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan.

Nama MenuHarga

Cilok Shrimp / Udang ( S ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 5.000

Cilok Cheese / Keju ( S ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball Abiyu Formulas with the filling of high quality cheese craft cheese corp.

Rp 5.000

Cilok Mix Cilok mix nano nano campur menyesuaikan ketersediaan menu, sehat tanpa micin dan bahan kimia, lezat dan halal, dgn pilihan saos bumbu kacang atau mayo dgn taburan cabe bubuk

Rp 5.000

Cilok Goreng Tuna Cilok Tuna digoreng Sehat n Laziz, dengan cita rasa mirip empek-empek, non micin, bahan pengawet sehingga sehat dan bergizi untuk anak sampai dewasa

Rp 7.000

Cilok Shrimp / Udang ( L ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 15.000

Cilok Cheese / Keju ( M ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 10.000

Cilok Crispy Mix Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 7.000

Cilok Tuna Fish / Ikan Tuna ( S ) Cilok kukus sehat, halal dan bergizi tanpa micin dgn pilihan bumbu kacang / Mayo dgn taburan Nori / Cabe Bubuk

Rp 5.000

Cilok Mushroom / Jamur ( S ) Berisi jamur premium segar, jamur portabello, merang dan champignon

Rp 5.000

Harga untuk menu Small di Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan sangat ekonomis, cukup sediakan uang sekitar Rp 5.000 - Rp 7.000 saja untuk menikmatinya.

Nama MenuHarga

Cilok Squid / Cumi ( S ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 5.000

Cilok Shrimp / Udang ( S ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 5.000

Cilok Cheese / Keju ( S ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball Abiyu Formulas with the filling of high quality cheese craft cheese corp.

Rp 5.000

Cilok Mix Cilok mix nano nano campur menyesuaikan ketersediaan menu, sehat tanpa micin dan bahan kimia, lezat dan halal, dgn pilihan saos bumbu kacang atau mayo dgn taburan cabe bubuk

Rp 5.000

Cilok Crispy Mix Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 7.000

Cilok Tuna Fish / Ikan Tuna ( S ) Cilok kukus sehat, halal dan bergizi tanpa micin dgn pilihan bumbu kacang / Mayo dgn taburan Nori / Cabe Bubuk

Rp 5.000

Cilok Mushroom / Jamur ( S ) Berisi jamur premium segar, jamur portabello, merang dan champignon

Rp 5.000

Cukup ekonomis, siapkan sekitar Rp 10.000 - Rp 12.000 saja untuk menikmati menu Medium yang disajikan Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan.

Nama MenuHarga

Cilok Squid / Cumi ( M ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 10.000

Cilok Shrimp / Udang ( M ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 10.000

Cilok Cheese / Keju ( M ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 10.000

Cilok Crispy Cheese / Keju Crispy ( M ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 12.000

Cukup ekonomis, siapkan sekitar Rp 15.000 - Rp 17.000 saja untuk menikmati menu Large yang disajikan Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan.

Nama MenuHarga

Cilok Squid / Cumi ( L ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 15.000

Cilok Shrimp / Udang ( L ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 15.000

Cilok Cheese / Keju ( L ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 15.000

Cilok Crispy Cheese / Keju Crispy ( L ) Cilok Abiyu is a typical food which is made of chewy tapioca with additional complementary seasonings such as peanut sauce, soy sauce. Cilok shape is round like a meatball with the filling of Squid, Shrimp and cheese Abiyu Formula.

Rp 17.000

Siapkan uang setidaknya Rp 7.000 - an untuk menikmati berbagai menu Cilok Goreng Tuna yang disajikan oleh Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan.

Nama MenuHarga

Cilok Goreng Tuna Cilok Tuna digoreng Sehat n Laziz, dengan cita rasa mirip empek-empek, non micin, bahan pengawet sehingga sehat dan bergizi untuk anak sampai dewasa

Rp 7.000

Cara Order Delivery Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan Online

Untuk menyantap hidangan yang disajikan oleh Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan, Anda bisa order online melalui aplikasi GoFood. Buka aplikasi GoFood Anda, dan ketik Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan pada menu pencarian. Kemudian pesan menu yang Anda inginkan!

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Alamat & Jam Buka Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan

Jika Anda bermaksud untuk menyantap sajian Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan, datangi tempat makan ini pada jam operasional di bawah ini. Pastikan Anda tahu lokasi dimana Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan berada, Anda bisa menggunakan google maps di bawah ini untuk memandu Anda mengunjungi Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan.

HariTanggalJam Buka
Senin27 Januari 202505:30 - 20:30
Selasa28 Januari 202505:30 - 21:30
Rabu29 Januari 202505:00 - 21:15
Kamis30 Januari 202505:30 - 19:30
Jum'at31 Januari 202505:30 - 20:30
Sabtu1 Februari 202505:30 - 20:30
Minggu2 Februari 202505:30 - 20:30

Alamat Lengkap: Kampung Bakpia Sanggrahan Pathuk Ng 1/527, Ngampilan, Yogyakarta

Sekian postingan kami tentang daftar harga menu & delivery Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan. Jika ada perbedaan harga ketika Anda memesan menu yang dijual oleh Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan, silahkan informasikan kepada kami. Selamat mencoba, pastikan Anda menyiapkan uang yang cukup untuk menikmati menu yang disajikan oleh Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan.

Review Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan

4.315 Ulasan

Enaaaaaak bangeeettt

F**** F****

enakkk...... klo boleh kasih saran ada yg porsi jumbo donk dibuat porsi S/M/L/XL gt dengan harga menyesuaikan

E** N******

update menu donk biar ga kecewakan pembeli, diaplikasi ada cumi yg datang lain alasanya habis


empuk anak2 sukaaak

S*** W*******

cilok nya enak dan gurih nggak bau amis lagi


enak bnget vrooooh

S**** E** W*****

Smoga laris manis kayk yg jual mnis nya

A****** A***

enak maksimal tiada duanya❤


cup nya jangan plastik sebaiknya cup yg dari kertas

S**** B***

cilok abiyu mantaaaps enak empuk keju meleleh

V*** Y******

sambalnya di pedesin lagi buu biar lebih mantap


cilok nya enak. anak anak suka. tetapi proses menyiapkannya lama.

S**** B***

kemasan bagus dan rasanya enak, keju dan tuna berasa banget, dan ini cilok enak dan murah

Beri Ulasan untuk Cilok Abiyu, Ngampilan
