Diperbarui pada 9 Maret 2025 oleh Tim Menu Kuliner
Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah merupakan sebuah tempat makan yang berada di Semarang. Rumah makan ini menyajikan berbagai menu kopi, pizza & pasta & barat yang dibanderol dengan harga yang murah dan bersahabat dengan kantong Anda. Jika Anda mencari daftar harga menu Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah, Anda berada di tempat yang tepat. Di bawah ini akan dibahas secara lengkap menu apa saja yang dijual oleh Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah beserta harganya.
Cukup ekonomis, siapkan sekitar Rp 5.000 - Rp 173.750 saja untuk menikmati menu Promo yang disajikan Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah.
Nama Menu | Harga |
Salmon Geprak Ala Carte 425kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. No Fried (matang, tidak digoreng). Rice + Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Veggies + Sambal Tambahan ?:
| Rp 106.250 |
(20 Tusuk) Chicken Breast Satay 620kcals! Fillet Chicken Breast Rawit?:
| Rp 173.750 |
Alkali Water 250ml 0kcals! Lets Drink Water About 2 Liters For A Day (or depends on your kidney condition) Dingin?:
| Rp 5.000 |
(for Gojek Driver) Tahu Bacem Get your driver healthy snack high protein while waiting for your meal Rawit?:
| Rp 6.000 |
Vegan Grilled Combo (Steak) 395kcals! Vegan Protein + Veggies + Premium Sauce... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein?:
| Rp 62.500 |
Brazillian Diet Coffee 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, biji kopi Brazil (#1 di dunia), bagus utk kesehatan prostat pria, aman utk maag / tensi / jantung, segarkan tubuh & pikiran, tingkatkan stamina, anti aging & anti oksidan, burn fat Dingin?:
| Rp 18.750 |
Salmon Geprak Ala Carte 425kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. No Fried (matang, tidak digoreng). Rice + Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Veggies + Sambal Spicy?:
| Rp 106.250 |
(for Gojek Driver) Alkali Water 250ml Get your driver a cup of drink while waiting for your meal Dingin?:
| Rp 5.000 |
Salmon Soup 325kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Real Healthy Fish Broth Tambahan ?:
| Rp 87.500 |
Vegan Teriyaki 345kcals! Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 59.500 |
(10 Tusuk) Chicken Breast Satay 310kcals! Fillet Chicken Breast Rawit?:
| Rp 86.875 |
Salmon Soup 325kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Real Healthy Fish Broth Spicy?:
| Rp 87.500 |
Vegan Shirataki Soto Surabaya (Lamongan) 315kcals! Shirataki + Vegan Protein + Veggies + Healthy Koya (No Fried)... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Spicy?:
| Rp 49.500 |
VCO Dark Choco 250ml 195kcals! HALAL, with VCO, atasi radikal bebas, awet muda, anti oksidan tinggi, hilangkan stress, cegah stretch marks, percepat pergantian sel kulit baru, pulihkan & tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh Dingin?:
| Rp 32.000 |
(for Gojek Driver) Healthy Juice 250ml Get your driver a cup of drink while waiting for your meal Sugar?:
| Rp 15.000 |
Vegan Shirataki Bakmi Jowo 315kcals! Shirataki + Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
(10 Tusuk) Chicken Breast Satay 310kcals! Fillet Chicken Breast Rawit?:
| Rp 86.875 |
Tenderloin Beef Matah Relish - Le Karapan 425kcals! Rice + Tenderloin Beef + Egg + Veggies + Sambal Matah Spicy?:
| Rp 75.000 |
High Antioxidant Juice 250ml 175kcals! Jus Sayur Antioksidan dengan sedikit Buah sebagai Pemanis Alami nya... No Sugar Added Sugar?:
| Rp 15.000 |
Vegan Pasta Sambal Matah 395kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Vegan Protein... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Biet Herbs Tenderloin Beef Soup 335kcals! Sapi kaya zat besi, Biet juga kaya vitamin C, mengoptimalkan penyerapan zat besi (untuk pembentukan eritrosit - sel darah merah), Very Recommended for PMS Woman, After Blood Donor, Pregnant Moms, Children in Growth Period, Anemia Spicy?:
| Rp 71.875 |
Vegan Aglio Olio Pasta 395kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Vegan Protein... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Healthy Smart Choco Kids 250ml 195kcals! HALAL, with omega 3+6, high calcium, vit. C + E + B kompleks, optimalkan pertumbuhan tlg+gigi, tmbh nafsu mkn anak, daya ingat otak+anak cerdas, daya thn tbh, jd tdk mdh sakit/tertular, kl lg sakit jd lbh cpt sembuh/pulih Dingin?:
| Rp 36.250 |
Guard Immune Booster 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, high fiber, protein + vitamin c, tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh, tidak mudah sakit / tertular, atasi diare lancarkan BAB, kl lagi sakit jadi lebih cepat sembuh / pulih, percepat pemulihan pasca opname / operasi Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
Vegan Le2go Pasta 405kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Barramundi Geprak Ala Carte 415kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. No Fried (matang, tidak digoreng). Rice + Fillet White Fish (Tanpa Duri) + Veggies + Sambal Rice?:
| Rp 68.750 |
Barramundi Matah Relish - Le Dobo 395kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. Rice + Fillet White Fish (Tanpa Duri) + Egg + Veggies + Sambal Matah Spicy?:
| Rp 68.750 |
Biotin Inositol Hairloss 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, with thiamine, tingkatkan kesehatan rambut, with biotin, perkuat struktur rambut, with inositol, tingkatkan pertumbuhan rambut, cegah + atasi rambut tipis / rontok / kebotakan, optimal bagi pria maupun wanita usia berapapun Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
Vegan Healthy Fried Red Rice 375kcals! Red Rice + Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Vegan Healthy Diet Bihoon 385kcals! Healthy Diet Bihoon + Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Vegan Whey Protein 250ml (Cutting/Fatloss) 185kcals! HALAL, aman utk maag / tensi / jantung / diabet, whey protein nabati, with Amino, BCAA, Beta KreAlkalyn, good for pre / post workout, for cutting / fatloss, penurun brt bdn alami, 9 asam amino esensial, best for vegan / vegetarian / etc. Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
Barramundi Soup 305kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. Fillet White Fish (Tanpa Duri) + Real Healthy Fish Broth Spicy?:
| Rp 68.750 |
Moms Care 250ml (Pregnant/Breastfeeding) 185kcals! HALAL, menyehatkan janin, cegah cacat pada janin, anak cerdas sejak kandungan, solusi hairloss pada bumil/busui, percepat penutupan luka pasca melahirkan, tingkatkan kualitas + kuantitas ASI Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
Grilled Combo (Steak) 395kcals! Choose Fish For Pesco-Vegetarian. Rice + Protein + Veggies + Premium Sauce Protein?:
| Rp 62.500 |
Vegan Healthy Fried LG (Long Grain) Rice 385kcals! Premium Long Grain White Rice (GI rate is almost same with red rice) + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies + Egg Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 46.875 |
Healthy Tahu Telor (Surabaya) 295kcals! Tofu + Egg with Healthy Diet Premium Peanut Sauce (No Fried)... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Tofu / Peanuts Potatoes?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Chicken Breast Onion Sambal - Le Tokpetok 405kcals! Rice + Fillet Chicken Breast + Egg + Veggies + Sambal Bawang Spicy?:
| Rp 62.500 |
50+ Longevity 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, very recommended for 50+ , detoksifikasi + antioksidan, cegah penuaan dini + pikun, high calcium glucosamine, cegah + atasi osteoporosis, cegah keretakan tulang, tingkatkan kepadatan tulang Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
Vegan Pearl Barley Soup 275kcals! Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Spicy?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Insomnia Sleepwell 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, tidur lebih berkualitas, seimbangkan metabolisme tubuh, jaga keseimbangan endokrin, bersihkan penumpukan racun dalam tubuh, tingkatkan sistem pencernaan, aktifkan inti sel dalam tubuh Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Teriyaki 345kcals! Rice + Protein (Available for Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 59.500 |
Weight Gainer 250ml (Bulking) 185kcals! HALAL, for bulking program / weight gain, penambah berat badan alami, tidak menambah lemak, no perut buncit/moonface/dll., otot pumping lbh cpt bsr + thn lama, otot jd tdk mdh susut Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Shirataki Soto Surabaya (Lamongan) 315kcals! Shirataki + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies + Healthy Koya (No Fried) Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Cholest Normalizer 250ml (Plaque Cleanser) 185kcals! HALAL, turunkan Kolesterol, turunkan LDL (kolesterol jahat), turunkan Trigliserida, naikkan HDL (kolesterol baik), cegah batu empedu + hipertensi, cegah stroke / jantung / ginjal Dingin?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Shirataki Bakmi Jowo 315kcals! Shirataki + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Tension Normalizer 250ml (Hyper/Hipo) 185kcals! HALAL, normalkan tensi (hiper/hipo), cegah+atasi stroke+glaukoma, cegah+atasi jantung, ginjal, komplikasi, remajakan organ+fungsinya, tingkatkan performa organ yg menurun, solusi tepat utk hipertensi pd bumil yg terkendala tak bs minum obat Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Healthy Diet Pasta Aglio Olio 395kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Protein (Available For Vegetarian)... High Antioxidant Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Diabetic Normalizer (Hyper/Hipo) 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, normalkan glukosa darah (hyper/hipo), tingkatkan performa pankreas, lindungi organ pankreas, cegah suntik insulin, cegah kolesterol + komplikasi, cegah stroke + gagal ginjal Dingin?:
| Rp 53.750 |
Uric Reducer 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, turunkan asam urat, atasi rheumatik, atasi gout, cegah batu ginjal, cegah stroke / gagal ginjal Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Healthy Diet Pasta Sambal Matah 395kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Protein (Available For Vegetarian)... High Antioxidant Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Healthy Fried Red Rice 375kcals! Red Rice + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Blood Controller 250ml (Didimer Normalizer) 185kcals! HALAL, turunkan kadar penggumpalan darah, cegah thrombogenesis, seimbangkan ph darah, menambah jumlah oksigen dalam darah, stabilkan membran sel darah merah, turunkan kadar lipid darah Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Healthy Diet Bihoon 385kcals! Healthy Diet Bihoon + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Creatinine Reducer 250ml (Kidney Cleanser) 185kcals! HALAL, penurun ureum + kreatinin, menyehatkan organ ginjal, tingkatkan performa ginjal, bersihkan ginjal dr racun2 / kimia, tak hrs tunggu ureum kreatinin tinggi, bersihkan sedini mgkn Dingin?:
| Rp 41.250 |
Chicken Mushroom Noodle (Mie Ayam Jamur) - Le2go Pasta 405kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Mushroom + Veggies Spicy?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Successfull Pregnant Program 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, percepat proses kehamilan, hilangkan proses perlambatan hamil, perkuat dinding rahim, tingkatkan kualitas sel telur+sperma, sel sperma makin lincah gesit, sel sperma tetap hidup hingga pembuahan, sehatkan organ intim pria+wanita Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Welcome Moon 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, pelancar haid, optimalkan pembuangan darah kotor, cegah tumor / kanker serviks, cegah kista miom, cegah menopause dini, anti aging Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Healthy Fried LG (Long Grain) Rice 385kcals! Premium Long Grain White Rice (GI rate is almost same with red rice) + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies + Egg Protein ?:
| Rp 46.875 |
Chicken Breast Satay (5 Tusuk) 155kcals! Fillet Chicken Breast Rawit?:
| Rp 43.750 |
Healthy Tahu Telor (Surabaya) 295kcals! Best For Ovo-Vegetarian. Tofu + Egg with Healthy Diet Peanut Sauce Potatoes?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Pearl Barley Soup 275kcals! Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Harga yang dibandrol untuk menikmati menu Awesome PROMO! yang disajikan Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah berkisar antara Rp 54.000 - Rp 106.250.
Nama Menu | Harga |
Salmon Geprak Ala Carte 425kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. No Fried (matang, tidak digoreng). Rice + Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Veggies + Sambal Tambahan ?:
| Rp 106.250 |
Salmon Soup 325kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Real Healthy Fish Broth Tambahan ?:
| Rp 87.500 |
(10 Tusuk) Chicken Breast Satay 310kcals! Fillet Chicken Breast Rawit?:
| Rp 86.875 |
2pax Diet Siomay Bandung Sehat 295kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. 4 Siomay + Premium Peanut Sauce... Full Fish, Tanpa Tepung, Tidak Digoreng, Uenake Puoll tapi Nda Bikin Ndut :) Spicy?:
| Rp 90.000 |
3pax Salmon Sandwich Wholewheat 375kcals! Roti Gandum Diet + Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Selada + Tomat + Timun + Bawang Version?:
| Rp 88.500 |
4pax Almond Brioche 145kcals! Roti Gandum Diet topping Almond with Homemade Selai Almond by LePampuno, Butter FREE, Sugar FREE GRATIS (FREE!!!):
| Rp 88.000 |
5pax Salmon Onigiri 195kcals! Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Long Grain White Rice GRATIS (FREE!!!):
| Rp 75.000 |
6pax Panned Egg Onion Sambal 115kcals! Egg with Healthy Onion Sambals GRATIS (FREE!!!):
| Rp 60.000 |
7pax Original Toasted Wholewheat 85kcals! Roti Gandum Diet Homemade by LePampuno, Dairy FREE, Sugar FREE, Fresh + Natural Ingredients GRATIS (FREE!!!):
| Rp 66.500 |
9pax Healthy Tahu Bacem 125kcals! Tofu, No Fried, No Soy Sauce, Palm Sugar Rawit?:
| Rp 54.000 |
10pax Red Rice 25kcals! Warm Red Rice GRATIS (FREE!!!):
| Rp 70.000 |
12pax Steamed Tofu Onion Sambal 125kcals! Steamed Tofu with Healthy Onion Sambals GRATIS (FREE!!!):
| Rp 72.000 |
Tidak mahal, hanya butuh merogoh kocek sekitar Rp 5.000 - Rp 15.000 untuk menikmati menu Special for Your Gojek Driver di Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah.
Nama Menu | Harga |
(for Gojek Driver) Tahu Bacem Get your driver healthy snack high protein while waiting for your meal Rawit?:
| Rp 6.000 |
(for Gojek Driver) Alkali Water 250ml Get your driver a cup of drink while waiting for your meal Dingin?:
| Rp 5.000 |
(for Gojek Driver) Healthy Juice 250ml Get your driver a cup of drink while waiting for your meal Sugar?:
| Rp 15.000 |
Tidak mahal, hanya butuh merogoh kocek sekitar Rp 6.000 - Rp 62.500 untuk menikmati menu Plant Based, Dont Eat Animals! di Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah.
Nama Menu | Harga |
Vegan Grilled Combo (Steak) 395kcals! Vegan Protein + Veggies + Premium Sauce... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein?:
| Rp 62.500 |
Vegan Teriyaki 345kcals! Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 59.500 |
Vegan Shirataki Soto Surabaya (Lamongan) 315kcals! Shirataki + Vegan Protein + Veggies + Healthy Koya (No Fried)... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Spicy?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Vegan Shirataki Bakmi Jowo 315kcals! Shirataki + Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Vegan Pasta Sambal Matah 395kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Vegan Protein... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Vegan Aglio Olio Pasta 395kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Vegan Protein... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Vegan Le2go Pasta 405kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Vegan Healthy Fried Red Rice 375kcals! Red Rice + Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Vegan Healthy Diet Bihoon 385kcals! Healthy Diet Bihoon + Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Vegan Healthy Fried LG (Long Grain) Rice 385kcals! Premium Long Grain White Rice (GI rate is almost same with red rice) + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies + Egg Vegan Protein ?:
| Rp 46.875 |
Healthy Tahu Telor (Surabaya) 295kcals! Tofu + Egg with Healthy Diet Premium Peanut Sauce (No Fried)... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Tofu / Peanuts Potatoes?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Vegan Pearl Barley Soup 275kcals! Vegan Protein + Veggies... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Spicy?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Almond Brioche 145kcals! Roti Gandum Diet topping Almond with Homemade Selai Almond by LePampuno, Butter FREE, Sugar FREE | Rp 22.000 |
Sandwich Wholewheat 185kcals! Roti Gandum Diet + Egg + Selada + Tomat + Timun + Bawang... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian Version?:
| Rp 22.000 |
Toasted Almond Wholewheat 175kcals! Roti Gandum Diet with Homemade Selai Almond by LePampuno, Butter FREE, Sugar FREE | Rp 20.000 |
Boiled Chicken Egg (Telor / Telur Ayam Rebus) 175kcals! 1pax contains 3pcs Whole Egg. Putih Telur Tidak Bikin Jerawatan. High Protein, High Albumin, High Zinc, High Omega 3. Rawit?:
| Rp 20.000 |
Premium Omellete 115kcals! No Fried. Egg + Mushroom + Peppers... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian, Uric Problem dont Eat Mushroom Rawit?:
| Rp 15.000 |
Panned Sunshine Egg with Healthy Onion Sambal 115kcals! For Ovo-Vegetarian. Egg with Healthy Onion Sambals... Egg is for Ovo-Vegetarian | Rp 10.000 |
Original Toasted Wholewheat 85kcals! Roti Gandum Diet Homemade by LePampuno, Dairy FREE, Sugar FREE, Fresh + Natural Ingredients | Rp 9.500 |
Red Rice 25kcals! Warm Red Rice | Rp 7.000 |
Premium Long Grain White Rice 35kcals! Warm Long Grain White Rice, GI Rate Almost Same with Red Rice | Rp 7.000 |
Healthy Tahu Bacem 125kcals! Tofu, No Fried, No Soy Sauce, Palm Sugar... Uric Problem dont Eat Tofu Rawit?:
| Rp 6.000 |
Steamed Tofu with Healthy Onion Sambal 125kcals! Steamed Tofu with Healthy Onion Sambals... Uric Problem dont Eat Tofu | Rp 6.000 |
Cukup ekonomis, siapkan sekitar Rp 6.000 - Rp 173.750 saja untuk menikmati menu Healthy Food (Available for Vegetarian) yang disajikan Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah.
Nama Menu | Harga |
(20 Tusuk) Chicken Breast Satay 620kcals! Fillet Chicken Breast Rawit?:
| Rp 173.750 |
Salmon Geprak Ala Carte 425kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. No Fried (matang, tidak digoreng). Rice + Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Veggies + Sambal Spicy?:
| Rp 106.250 |
Salmon Soup 325kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Real Healthy Fish Broth Spicy?:
| Rp 87.500 |
(10 Tusuk) Chicken Breast Satay 310kcals! Fillet Chicken Breast Rawit?:
| Rp 86.875 |
Tenderloin Beef Matah Relish - Le Karapan 425kcals! Rice + Tenderloin Beef + Egg + Veggies + Sambal Matah Spicy?:
| Rp 75.000 |
Biet Herbs Tenderloin Beef Soup 335kcals! Sapi kaya zat besi, Biet juga kaya vitamin C, mengoptimalkan penyerapan zat besi (untuk pembentukan eritrosit - sel darah merah), Very Recommended for PMS Woman, After Blood Donor, Pregnant Moms, Children in Growth Period, Anemia Spicy?:
| Rp 71.875 |
Barramundi Geprak Ala Carte 415kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. No Fried (matang, tidak digoreng). Rice + Fillet White Fish (Tanpa Duri) + Veggies + Sambal Rice?:
| Rp 68.750 |
Barramundi Matah Relish - Le Dobo 395kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. Rice + Fillet White Fish (Tanpa Duri) + Egg + Veggies + Sambal Matah Spicy?:
| Rp 68.750 |
Barramundi Soup 305kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. Fillet White Fish (Tanpa Duri) + Real Healthy Fish Broth Spicy?:
| Rp 68.750 |
Grilled Combo (Steak) 395kcals! Choose Fish For Pesco-Vegetarian. Rice + Protein + Veggies + Premium Sauce Protein?:
| Rp 62.500 |
Chicken Breast Onion Sambal - Le Tokpetok 405kcals! Rice + Fillet Chicken Breast + Egg + Veggies + Sambal Bawang Spicy?:
| Rp 62.500 |
Teriyaki 345kcals! Rice + Protein (Available for Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 59.500 |
Diet Siomay Bandung Sehat 295kcals! Best For Pesco-Vegetarian. 4 Siomay + Premium Peanut Sauce... Full Fish, Tanpa Tepung, Tidak Digoreng, Uenake Puoll tapi Nda Bikin Ndut :) Spicy?:
| Rp 45.000 |
Shirataki Soto Surabaya (Lamongan) 315kcals! Shirataki + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies + Healthy Koya (No Fried) Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Shirataki Bakmi Jowo 315kcals! Shirataki + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Healthy Diet Pasta Aglio Olio 395kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Protein (Available For Vegetarian)... High Antioxidant Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Healthy Diet Pasta Sambal Matah 395kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Protein (Available For Vegetarian)... High Antioxidant Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Healthy Fried Red Rice 375kcals! Red Rice + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Healthy Diet Bihoon 385kcals! Healthy Diet Bihoon + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Chicken Mushroom Noodle (Mie Ayam Jamur) - Le2go Pasta 405kcals! Healthy Diet Pasta + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Mushroom + Veggies Spicy?:
| Rp 49.500 |
Healthy Fried LG (Long Grain) Rice 385kcals! Premium Long Grain White Rice (GI rate is almost same with red rice) + Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies + Egg Protein ?:
| Rp 46.875 |
Chicken Breast Satay (5 Tusuk) 155kcals! Fillet Chicken Breast Rawit?:
| Rp 43.750 |
Healthy Tahu Telor (Surabaya) 295kcals! Best For Ovo-Vegetarian. Tofu + Egg with Healthy Diet Peanut Sauce Potatoes?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Pearl Barley Soup 275kcals! Protein (Available For Vegetarian) + Veggies Protein ?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Salmon Sandwich Wholewheat 375kcals! Roti Gandum Diet + Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Selada + Tomat + Timun + Bawang Version?:
| Rp 29.500 |
Almond Brioche 145kcals! Roti Gandum Diet topping Almond with Homemade Selai Almond by LePampuno, Butter FREE, Sugar FREE | Rp 22.000 |
Sandwich Wholewheat 185kcals! Roti Gandum Diet + Egg + Selada + Tomat + Timun + Bawang Version?:
| Rp 22.000 |
Boiled Chicken Egg (Telor / Telur Ayam Rebus) 175kcals! 1pax contains 3pcs Whole Egg. Putih Telur Tidak Bikin Jerawatan. High Protein, High Albumin, High Zinc, High Omega 3. Rawit?:
| Rp 20.000 |
Toasted Almond Wholewheat 175kcals! Roti Gandum Diet with Homemade Selai Almond by LePampuno, Butter FREE, Sugar FREE | Rp 20.000 |
Premium Omellete 115kcals! No Fried. Egg + Mushroom + Peppers Rawit?:
| Rp 15.000 |
Salmon Onigiri 195kcals! Fillet Salmon (Tanpa Duri) + Long Grain White Rice | Rp 15.000 |
Panned Sunshine Egg with Healthy Onion Sambal 115kcals! Egg with Healthy Onion Sambals This Meal Exclude Rice, Add? (promo):
| Rp 10.000 |
Original Toasted Wholewheat 85kcals! Roti Gandum Diet Homemade by LePampuno, Dairy FREE, Sugar FREE, Fresh + Natural Ingredients | Rp 9.500 |
Red Rice 25kcals! Warm Red Rice | Rp 7.000 |
Premium Long Grain White Rice 35kcals! Warm Long Grain White Rice, GI Rate Almost Same with Red Rice | Rp 7.000 |
Steamed Tofu with Healthy Onion Sambal 125kcals! Steamed Tofu with Healthy Onion Sambals This Meal Exclude Rice, Add? (promo):
| Rp 6.000 |
Healthy Tahu Bacem 125kcals! Tofu, No Fried, No Soy Sauce, Palm Sugar Rawit?:
| Rp 6.000 |
Tidak mahal, hanya butuh merogoh kocek sekitar Rp 5.000 - Rp 53.750 untuk menikmati menu Vegan / Plant Based Drinks di Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah.
Nama Menu | Harga |
Alkali Water 250ml 0kcals! Lets Drink Water About 2 Liters For A Day (or depends on your kidney condition) Dingin?:
| Rp 5.000 |
Brazillian Diet Coffee 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, biji kopi Brazil (#1 di dunia), bagus utk kesehatan prostat pria, aman utk maag / tensi / jantung, segarkan tubuh & pikiran, tingkatkan stamina, anti aging & anti oksidan, burn fat Dingin?:
| Rp 18.750 |
VCO Dark Choco 250ml 195kcals! HALAL, with VCO, atasi radikal bebas, awet muda, anti oksidan tinggi, hilangkan stress, cegah stretch marks, percepat pergantian sel kulit baru, pulihkan & tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh Dingin?:
| Rp 32.000 |
High Antioxidant Juice 250ml 175kcals! Jus Sayur Antioksidan dengan sedikit Buah sebagai Pemanis Alami nya... No Sugar Added Sugar?:
| Rp 15.000 |
Healthy Smart Choco Kids 250ml 195kcals! HALAL, with omega 3+6, high calcium, vit. C + E + B kompleks, optimalkan pertumbuhan tlg+gigi, tmbh nafsu mkn anak, daya ingat otak+anak cerdas, daya thn tbh, jd tdk mdh sakit/tertular, kl lg sakit jd lbh cpt sembuh/pulih Dingin?:
| Rp 36.250 |
Guard Immune Booster 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, high fiber, protein + vitamin c, tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh, tidak mudah sakit / tertular, atasi diare lancarkan BAB, kl lagi sakit jadi lebih cepat sembuh / pulih, percepat pemulihan pasca opname / operasi Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
Biotin Inositol Hairloss 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, with thiamine, tingkatkan kesehatan rambut, with biotin, perkuat struktur rambut, with inositol, tingkatkan pertumbuhan rambut, cegah + atasi rambut tipis / rontok / kebotakan, optimal bagi pria maupun wanita usia berapapun Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
Vegan Whey Protein 250ml (Cutting/Fatloss) 185kcals! HALAL, aman utk maag / tensi / jantung / diabet, whey protein nabati, with Amino, BCAA, Beta KreAlkalyn, good for pre / post workout, for cutting / fatloss, penurun brt bdn alami, 9 asam amino esensial, best for vegan / vegetarian / etc. Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
Moms Care 250ml (Pregnant/Breastfeeding) 185kcals! HALAL, menyehatkan janin, cegah cacat pada janin, anak cerdas sejak kandungan, solusi hairloss pada bumil/busui, percepat penutupan luka pasca melahirkan, tingkatkan kualitas + kuantitas ASI Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
50+ Longevity 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, very recommended for 50+ , detoksifikasi + antioksidan, cegah penuaan dini + pikun, high calcium glucosamine, cegah + atasi osteoporosis, cegah keretakan tulang, tingkatkan kepadatan tulang Dingin?:
| Rp 31.250 |
Insomnia Sleepwell 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, tidur lebih berkualitas, seimbangkan metabolisme tubuh, jaga keseimbangan endokrin, bersihkan penumpukan racun dalam tubuh, tingkatkan sistem pencernaan, aktifkan inti sel dalam tubuh Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Weight Gainer 250ml (Bulking) 185kcals! HALAL, for bulking program / weight gain, penambah berat badan alami, tidak menambah lemak, no perut buncit/moonface/dll., otot pumping lbh cpt bsr + thn lama, otot jd tdk mdh susut Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Cholest Normalizer 250ml (Plaque Cleanser) 185kcals! HALAL, turunkan Kolesterol, turunkan LDL (kolesterol jahat), turunkan Trigliserida, naikkan HDL (kolesterol baik), cegah batu empedu + hipertensi, cegah stroke / jantung / ginjal Dingin?:
| Rp 37.500 |
Tension Normalizer 250ml (Hyper/Hipo) 185kcals! HALAL, normalkan tensi (hiper/hipo), cegah+atasi stroke+glaukoma, cegah+atasi jantung, ginjal, komplikasi, remajakan organ+fungsinya, tingkatkan performa organ yg menurun, solusi tepat utk hipertensi pd bumil yg terkendala tak bs minum obat Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Diabetic Normalizer (Hyper/Hipo) 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, normalkan glukosa darah (hyper/hipo), tingkatkan performa pankreas, lindungi organ pankreas, cegah suntik insulin, cegah kolesterol + komplikasi, cegah stroke + gagal ginjal Dingin?:
| Rp 53.750 |
Uric Reducer 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, turunkan asam urat, atasi rheumatik, atasi gout, cegah batu ginjal, cegah stroke / gagal ginjal Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Blood Controller 250ml (Didimer Normalizer) 185kcals! HALAL, turunkan kadar penggumpalan darah, cegah thrombogenesis, seimbangkan ph darah, menambah jumlah oksigen dalam darah, stabilkan membran sel darah merah, turunkan kadar lipid darah Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Creatinine Reducer 250ml (Kidney Cleanser) 185kcals! HALAL, penurun ureum + kreatinin, menyehatkan organ ginjal, tingkatkan performa ginjal, bersihkan ginjal dr racun2 / kimia, tak hrs tunggu ureum kreatinin tinggi, bersihkan sedini mgkn Dingin?:
| Rp 41.250 |
Successfull Pregnant Program 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, percepat proses kehamilan, hilangkan proses perlambatan hamil, perkuat dinding rahim, tingkatkan kualitas sel telur+sperma, sel sperma makin lincah gesit, sel sperma tetap hidup hingga pembuahan, sehatkan organ intim pria+wanita Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Welcome Moon 250ml 185kcals! HALAL, pelancar haid, optimalkan pembuangan darah kotor, cegah tumor / kanker serviks, cegah kista miom, cegah menopause dini, anti aging Dingin?:
| Rp 38.750 |
Jika Anda ingin menikmati menu yang disajikan oleh Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah, Anda bisa memesan secara online melalui GoFood. Buka aplikasi GoFood Anda, dan ketik Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah pada menu pencarian. Kemudian pesan menu yang Anda inginkan!
Jika Anda berniat untuk mengunjungi Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah, pastikan Anda mengetahui lokasi dimana Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah berada. Di bawah ini kami sajikan peta dari google maps untuk membantu Anda menyambangi Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah. Pastikan Anda datang pada saat jam operasional, jika tidak maka Anda sudah pasti kecewa jika resto sudah tutup.
Hari | Tanggal | Jam Buka |
Senin | 17 Maret 2025 | 06:00 - 14:00 |
Selasa | 18 Maret 2025 | 06:00 - 14:00 |
Rabu | 19 Maret 2025 | 06:00 - 14:00 |
Kamis | 20 Maret 2025 | 06:00 - 14:00 |
Jum'at | 21 Maret 2025 | 06:00 - 14:00 |
Sabtu | 22 Maret 2025 | 06:00 - 14:00 |
Minggu | 16 Maret 2025 | Tutup |
Alamat Lengkap: Jl. Semarang Indah A11 No. 34, Semarang Barat, Semarang
Demikian artikel kami tentang daftar harga menu Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah. Harga yang kami tampilkan di halaman ini bisa jadi berbeda ketika Anda pesan melalui aplikasi dan dine in. Setidaknya Anda sudah punya taksiran uang yang perlu Anda siapkan ketika ingin memesan makanan yang dijual oleh Le Pampuno Diet & Healthy Corner, Semarang Indah. Selamat mencoba!
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